Tuesday, January 11, 2011

what was your faverit chrismas prisent!!!!!

If you got a really cool prisent for chrismas comment me i whant to lnnowall about it and if you have something cool tosay then comment that also!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011


Iam at home playing wii and my mom and dad are playing wii and my dad is doing not so good but my mom and grandma helping hem out so now hes doing better.Next i am going to play with my grandma and she dose a lettle better then my dad ok well got to go bye!!!!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

At home playing wii!!!!

today i had to clean house with tyler and my grandmother because my parents are coming home from a retret and so i am vary happy about that but i also cant what untell tomrrow becauae my grandma is home schooling us now because my ant is working full time on a grary job and so i dont have to get up so early any more so i am glad about that and that is all i have to say!!!!